Modeling off the most successful Props in other active Houses, here is a suggested template you might choose to use to maximize your chances of success.

Please also be sure read this page šŸ‘‰

Proposers: Read this First


Headline of the Prop: it will be prominently displayed in the Propā€™s card on the Prop House board for the round.


One-sentence description of the Prop. Will also be displayed in the Propā€™s card on the Prop House board for the round.


This is the main pitch. What / how / why.

Include images / media / links as needed (Note: all images & media will need to be embedded from external links and canā€™t be pasted or uploaded directly into the Prop form itself)

Please also include a line about how your Prop connects back to the Season 1 theme of Brand and Community Building.

If this a pilot / experiment that could lead to something bigger later, itā€™s worth painting the big picture for where it can go.

What Success Looks Like

Bullet points or 1-2 paragraphs summarizing the end goals of the Prop and how the community should evaluate whether the Prop achieved them. Might be: